Chili Compound Is Highly Toxic to Liver Cancer Cells


Capsaicin is the compound that gives chili peppers their intense spicy “heat.” And in this just-published study, researchers have discovered that capsaicin is highly lethal to liver cancer cells, killing up to 84% of them in vitro.

Earlier research has also shown this super spice to be active against glioma, breast cancer, liver cancer, throat cancer and leukemia. Population studies have not yet linked eating chilies with reduced liver cancer risk, but one study out of India did show that those eating chilies regularly reduced their risk of leukemia by an amazing 60%.

Chilies have been used in traditional and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries for many health benefits including pain relief, boosting metabolism, boosting the immune system, antibacterial, for weight loss, and many others. Science is now proving out many of these health benefits.

For example, chilies may indeed help with weight loss by boosting metabolic rate as much as 25%, suppressing appetite, increasing fat burning and post-meal thermogenesis. And capsaicin is now being tested in multiple clinical trials, including for pain relief, weight loss (together with physical exercise) and for prostate cancer prevention using a dietary supplement.

- My Daily Alternatives

Papaya Seeds as Treatment for Liver Cirrhosis

Papaya Seeds

Liver cirrhosis is a disease, usually caused by excessive alcohol consumption over many years, wherein the liver shrinks and becomes hardened. Papaya seeds are often reported as an effective treatment for liver cirrhosis.

- grind up 5 dried seeds in a pepper grinder or
- crush up fresh ones in a mortar and pestle
- mix them with 1 tablespoon of fresh lime juice.
- Drink this papaya seed treatment 2x a day for a month.

Consult your doctor first if you are being treated for cirrhosis of the liver, especially with regards to the papain enzyme that may interfere with medications.

- My Daily Alternatives

Guidelines for Good Arterial Health

by Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac

Blood Heart Circulation

From a healthy heart to a good sex life, the proper flow and circulation of blood in our arteries is one of the most important things we can do to maintain good arterial health and push back the aging process.

There is a common denominator between good arterial health and disorders such as heart attack, obesity, diabetes and high glucose levels, as well as sexual health. That common denominator is blood.

One of the single most preventatives is a proper diet. Because diet strongly influences weight, sex hormone production, including testosterone, the health of our arteries and its flow, it is important to cut back on excess meat consumption, full fat, dairy products and a lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet.

Herbal medicine is a wonderful preventative solution. Complications can arise when taking herbal medicine and allopathic drugs your doctor has prescribed. Great caution should be used especially if you are on blood thinners, diuretics or any other heart related medication. Consult your doctor with any questions you may have, before taking additional herbs or supplements.

Herbs and Supplements for Good Arterial Health

Blessed Thistle: Strengthens the heart.

Capsicum: Blood pressure and health of blood vessels, Capsicum stimulants circulation, enhances blood flow and is considered to be food for the circulatory system. Capsicum assists in lowering blood pressure and breaking down cholesterol buildup.

Cayenne Pepper is renowned, not only for healing the entire digestive system, and for arthritic pain relief, but also for the heart and circulatory system. It acts as a catalyst and increases the effectiveness of other herbs when used with them. Cayenne has been known to stop heart attacks within 30 seconds. Cayenne has a high source of Vitamins A & C, has the complete B complexes, and is very rich in organic calcium and potassium, which is one of the reasons it is good for the heart. Consider the synergy of taking both cayenne and Hawthorne berry together.

Cornsilk: Natural diuretic.

Folate (800 mg daily), a B complex and Zinc (15 mg daily) have shown to increase fertility and improve sperm motility.

Garlic: A rich source of potassium, zinc, selenium, vitamin A and Vitamin C, is commonly used to fight infection, increase circulation and help prevent cardiovascular disease. Consider eating raw Garlic every day; since it is a very effective antifungal agent, or use it in tincture form. Research has shown that garlic is an anti-cholesterol remedy and is recommended for heart and circulatory problems. This is a wonderful natural antibiotic and detoxifier which protects the body against infection by enhancing immune function, as well.

Goldenseal: Berberine, an active ingredient of goldenseal, can dilate blood vessels. Therefore, it may prove useful in the treatment of certain causes of both irregular heartbeat and heart failure.

Gotu Kola: Strengthens the heart and helps lower blood pressure.

Hawthorn Berry: a member of the rose family, was recognized by physicians in the early 1800s for its ability to treat disorders related to circulation and respiration (breathing). Considered a “cardiotonic” herb, the flowers and berries of the hawthorn plant have been used in traditional medicine to treat irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, chest pain, atherosclerosis, and congestive heart failure. Hawthorn berries contain large amounts of bioflavonoids, which help dilate and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, relax arteries, and improve circulation of blood to heart muscles. studies suggest that Hawthorn berry extract improves heart function and exercise capacity in those with CHF. Participants in research trials also report significantly improved symptoms (like reduced shortness of breath and fatigue). Hawthorn extract may even prove to be as effective as low doses of ACE inhibitors (a leading class of heart medication) in improving symptoms of congestive heart failure. Hawthorne must be taken daily to be affective.

Kelp: Helps to clean and maintain the arteries.

L-arginine (2 grams daily), an amino acid found in pumpkin seeds and L-citrulline (500 mg twice daily) may possibly increase nitric oxide production, which in turn increases blood flow and therefore can prevent erectile dysfunction and increase sperm count. Foods high in both these amino acids include pumpkin seeds, almonds, cocoa and real (dark) chocolate, garbanzo beans, peanuts, salmon, soy and walnuts.

Mistletoe: Used as a cardiac tonic to stimulate circulation, reduce blood pressure and arteriosclerosis and strengthen capillary walls. Constricts blood vessels and stimulates heart beat.

Motherwort: Improves blood flow circulation and reduces heart blood pressure and palpitations.

Myrrh: Quickens the hearts action.

Olive Leaf Extract: Naturally support the circulatory and immune systems.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids found in flaxseed and fish oil, appear to help protect against prostate cancer. Take 3 grams daily.

Rosemary: Is considered a heart tonic.

Saw Palmetto has been clinically proven to inhibit the enzyme involved in converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. These powerful berries from the saw palmetto palm tree, improve urine flow and decrease inflammation of the prostate gland. Take 160 mg, twice daily.

Consider Vitamin E, especially mixed tocopherols, which appears to work in synergy with lycopene to help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Take 400 IU daily.

Vitamin C works in synergy with Vitamin E and helps increase its function. Take 600 mg, twice a day.

About the Author

Connect with Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac at therapies for healing mind, body, spirit.

Advert of woman's breasts causes 500 car crashes in 24 hours

by Yahoo7 and Agencies
Yahoo Philippines

blue strip across the nipples

An advertisement showing a woman's bare breasts has reportedly caused more than 500 accidents in a single day after a poorly-thought out promotional campaign.

The photograph shows a woman cupping her breasts with her hand, with a thin blue strip across the nipples.

It was placed on the side of 30 vans in Moscow, Russia.

The advert simply read: 'They attract'.

However, as soon as the vans hit the city’s streets, cars started crashing into one another.

It is thought 517 accidents happened in total.

One of the motorists affected was 35-year-old Ildar Yuriev.

"I was on my way to a business meeting when I saw this truck with a huge photo of breasts on its side go by," he said.

"Then I was hit by the car behind who said he had been distracted by the truck."

The company behind the sign has since said it will offer compensation to all those who crashed because of the advert.

16 Flower Remedies

by Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac.
OM Times

Flower Remedies

The essence of flowers is a subtle, aromatic and volatile liquid extracted from the flowers, seeds, leaves, stems, bark and roots of herbs, bushes, shrubs and trees through distillation. It is a form of vibrational healing, which works on many levels. Flower remedies are homeopathic essences, which benefit a specific mental and emotional state. Below is a small sampling of the power of flowers, with there color, qualities and patterns of imbalance they treat:
16 Flower Remedies

Agrimony: (Agrimonia eupatoria) (yellow) Positive qualities: Emotional honesty, acknowledging and working with emotional pain, obtaining true inner peace. Patterns of Imbalance: Anxiety hidden by a mask of cheerfulness; denial and avoidance of emotional pain, addictive behavior to anesthetize feelings.

Beech: (Fagus sylvatica) (red) Positive qualities: Tolerance, acceptance of others’ differences and imperfections, seeing the good within each person and situation. Patterns of Imbalance: Criticalness, judgmental attitudes, intolerance; perfectionist expectations of others; over sensitivity to one’s social and physical environment.

Cherry Plum: (Prunus cerasifera) (white) Positive qualities: Spiritual surrender and trust, feeling guided and protected by a Higher Power; balance and equanimity despite extreme stress. Patterns of Imbalance: Fear of losing control, or of mental and emotional breakdown; desperate, destructive impulses.

Clematis: (Clematis vitalba) (white) Positive qualities: Awake, focused presence; manifesting inspiration in practical life; embodiment. Patterns of Imbalance: Avoidance of the present by daydreaming; other- worldly and impractical ideals.

Elm: (Ulmus procera) (reddish brown) Positive qualities: Joyous service, faith and confidence to complete one’s task Patterns of Imbalance: Overwhelmed by duties and responsibilities, feeling unequal to the task required.

Gentian: (Gentiana amarella) (purple) Positive qualities: Perseverance, confidence; faith to continue despite apparent setbacks Patterns of Imbalance: Discouragement after a setback; doubt.

Honeysuckle: (Lonicera caprifolium) (red/white) Positive qualities: Being fully in the present; learning from the past while releasing it. Patterns of Imbalance: Nostalgia; emotional attachment to the past, longing for what was.

Impatiens: (Impatiens glandulifera) (pink/mauve) Positive qualities: Patience, acceptance; flowing with the pace of life and others. Patterns of Imbalance: Impatience, irritation, tension, intolerance.

Larch: (Larix decidua) (red), (yellow) Positive qualities: Self-confidence, creative expression, spontaneity Patterns of Imbalance: Lack of confidence, expectation of failure, self-censorship.

Mustard: (Sinapis arvensis) (yellow) Positive qualities: Emotional equanimity, finding joy in life Patterns of Imbalance: Melancholy, gloom, despair; generalized depression without obvious cause.

Oak: (Quercus robur) (red) Positive qualities: Balanced strength, accepting limits, knowing when to surrender. Patterns of Imbalance: Iron-willed, inflexible; over striving beyond one’s limits.

Pine: (Pinus sylvestris) (red- male), (yellow-female) Positive qualities: Self-acceptance, self-forgiveness; freedom from inappropriate guilt and blame. Patterns of Imbalance: Guilt, self- blame, self-criticism, inability to accept oneself.

Rock Rose: (Helianthemum nummularium) (yellow) Positive qualities: Self-transcending courage, inner peace and tranquillity when facing great challenges. Patterns of Imbalance: Deep fear, terror, panic; fear of death or annihilation.

Star of Bethlehem: (Ornithogalum umbellatum) (white) Positive qualities: Bringing soothing, healing qualities, a sense of inner divinity. Patterns of Imbalance: Shock or trauma, either recent or from a past experience; need for comfort and reassurance from the spiritual world.

Vervain: (Verbena officinalis) (pink/mauve) Positive qualities: Ability to practice moderation, tolerance, and balance; “the middle way”; grounded idealism. Patterns of Imbalance: Overbearing or intolerant behavior; over enthusiasm or extreme fanaticism; nervous exhaustion from over striving.

Wild Rose: (Rosa canina) (pink or white) also known as Dog Rose.
Positive qualities: Will to live, joy in life.
Patterns of Imbalance: Resignation, lack of hope, giving up on life; lingering illness.

About the Author

Connect with Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. at
Therapies for healing mind, body, spirit

5 Warning Signs of Skin Cancer

by Sandeep Godiyal
Natural News

Scratch Itch Skin

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and millions of people across the world are diagnosed with it each year. It can take the form of basal or squamous cell cancer or melanoma, the rarest form of skin cancer but also the most deadly. It can also be anywhere on your body, not just the arms, legs or back, as many people think. The good news is that it is very treatable if caught early. Below is what is known as the ABCDE criteria to help you decide if your mole or pigment spot should be checked by a health professional.

A: “Asymmetry”

Your mole or spot is symmetrical if, were you to cut it in half, the two sides would be mirror images of one another. If, on the other hand, the area is asymmetrical or lop-sided, this could be an early warning sign that it is cancerous.

B: “Border”

Check out the border of your mole or spot. If the border or edge of the spot is well-defined and clear, that is a good sign that it is benign. If, however, the border is irregular, has a scalloped edge or it just poorly defined, this is another sign that you need to go into a health professional immediately to have them check it out.

C: “Coloration”

If your mole is a one color – usually a solid brown – this is normal. On the other hand, if moles have a color that varies in shade from one area to another or have different colors – such as blues, reds, whites, or blacks – this is also a reason to be concerned and to make an appointment with a doctor immediately for further examination.

D: “Diameter”

Size of a mole or spot is also important – in general, healthy areas should be smaller than the end of a pencil eraser. Areas that are larger than this – or an area that has grown since the last time it was checked – should also be checked out immediately. In general, melanomas are greater than six millimeters in diameter.

E: “Evolution”

Even if you have no other symptoms such as the ones mentioned above, if a spot or mole begins to change – whether it grows, changes color or adds color or alters its shape – this is another sign which requires further medical examination and possible testing.

Skin cancer takes many lives each year. However, wearing sun screen, avoiding the sun during the hottest hours of the day and wearing protective clothing are all great ways to avoid this. So is knowing the five warning signs of cancer that need to be checked out as soon as possible, since early treatment is linked to higher survival rates and better prognosis.

4 Natural Ways to End the Pain

by Dr. Frank King
OM Times

Woman with Headache

Roughly 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain lasting more than six months, according to a report from the Institute of Medicine. Throughout the past decade, the use of painkillers such as Vicodin, Percocet and OxyContin has soared by 300 percent. For many – 17,000 people per year, or 46 each day – the treatment is worse than the pain; those are the number of users who die from the medicine, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

For every person who dies from the use of painkillers, 30 more are admitted to emergency rooms due to complications.

“Those figures are appalling,” says Dr. Frank King, a doctor of naturopathy, president of King Bio natural medicine company, and author of The Healing Revolution.

“Death is just one of the many side effects of heavy-duty pharmaceuticals, and researchers unanimously agree that addiction to painkillers has risen drastically in recent years. People are so focused on pain that they miss the fact that it is a signal of deeper health problems. Don’t shoot the messenger! Listen to the pain, and it will lead you to the root causes.”

With decades of experience helping patients, Dr. King offers four natural suggestions for pain management:

4 Natural Ways to End the Pain

1. Identify the root causes of pain. Pain is a signal of deeper problems, similar to the warning light on the dashboard of your car. You can mask the light with duct tape, which is what prescription drugs do with pain. You can cut the wires, which might symbolize a surgical approach. Or you can look for the root causes, which is what our more natural, holistic approach seeks to do. Address the problem, and the pain will subside.

2. Make good choices. Most chronic conditions are caused by bad lifestyle choices. Try walking more, eating and sleeping better, eliminating stress and bad habits from your life, and watch pain decrease and health increase. It’s that simple. Moreover, surround yourself with a healing community of like-minded “healing buddies” who support your healthy choices.

3. Explore natural healing techniques, and if necessary, see a natural healing practitioner. You are your best doctor, on call 24/7. I developed many self-healing techniques that address the needs of every aspect of mind-body health. These techniques are free and easy to implement at home, on the job, and wherever you might be. You might also explore meditation, yoga and other approaches for filling the holes in your wholeness.

4. Look into homeopathy. Homeopathy predates modern medicine. Homeopathic medicines are safe and effective, with no known side effects or negative drug interactions. They target the root causes, not the superficial pain. I have personally seen homeopathy dramatically raise the quality of life and happiness for countless of my patients.

With the appalling death toll due to pharmaceutical pain medication, natural solutions like homeopathy are our safest, brightest hope for the future of pain management.

About the Author

Dr. Frank King is a chiropractor, doctor of naturopathy, and founder and president of King Bio, an FDA-registered pharmaceutical manufacturing company dedicated to education, research, development, manufacture and distribution of safe and natural homeopathic medicines for people and pets. Dr. King is also the author of, The Healing Revolution: Eight Essentials to Awaken Abundant Life, Naturally! ( A fourth-generation farmer, Dr. King raises yak, camel, boar, wisent and American bison sold under the Carolina Bison brand. He is a member of the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States.

Health Benefits of Ginger Juice

Ginger Juice
Image credits:

The health benefits of Ginger have been well known to Indians even 5000 years ago. Ginger contains many vitamins and also manganese & copper, all of which are very essential for proper functioning of the body.

Peel and slice Ginger into small cubes. Add some water and place them in a mixer grinder. After grinding, take it out and strain the juice in order to get rid of all the lumps and the ginger juice is ready. If it’s difficult for you to drink it, then you can add a little sugar and viola the ginger juice is done.

Ginger Juice Benefits:

Anti Inflammatory

One of the most effective uses of ginger is that it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce joint inflammations. A study shows that people who consume ginger juice have less pain and other inflammatory diseases as it contains antioxidants which help to increase the flow of fresh blood by removing harmful impurities in the body.

Prevents Cancer

Ginger acts excellently for preventing cancer and also killing the cancer causing cells. In a study, it was found that ginger slows down the growth of breast cancer cells.

Blood Pressure

Ginger acts as a blood thinner and reduces blood pressure in people instantly. You can have ginger juice with a few drops of honey in order to make it tasty.

Reduce Pain

Ginger helps prevent all kinds of aches such as tooth ache and it also helps cure migraines that are becoming more common each passing day. As ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, it does not allow blood vessels to get inflamed and thus it helps increase the flow of blood to the body and cures the pain.


Ginger acts as an active agent for digestion. Ginger juice helps relive from various digestive issues. It speeds up the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestines. By consuming ginger, one can be less prone to getting stomach pains or any other digestive problems. It clears the stomach of all impurities thereby helping the people who suffer from motion sickness.


Ginger helps cure arthritis as it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce swelling and inflammation in people suffering from thyroid or arthritis.

Lowers Cholesterol

Ginger is a great agent for reducing cholesterol as it as it helps remove the blockages in the flow of blood vessels which could lead to heart attacks.


Ginger is one of the oldest cures for cold, nausea and flue as it has anti-viral and anti fungal properties. It cures cold and provides instant relief and also kills the bacteria that causes cold and ensures that it doesn’t return.

Ginger juice for hair care

If you want to have long and shiny hair, you should consume ginger juice regularly. It can also be applied on the scalp for good results. Just make sure that when you are applying it to your scalp, the consistency of water should be less. Ginger acts as a good conditioner to your hair; it also helps to reduce dandruff and speeds up hair growth. When ginger juice is applied to your hair, it creates irritation on your scalp which stimulates the flow of blood.


Ginger juice when consumed helps reduce acne or pimples and it also prevents occurrence of acne in the future as it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

- by Sadia of

Health Benefits of Melon Juice

Melon Juice
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Melons belong to the Cucurbitaceae family and are enjoyed by both adults as well as children. The well-known varieties of melons include watermelon, muskmelon, honeydew melon, and bitter melon. Melon juice is not only a great thirst quencher, it also helps ease inflammations and other symptoms caused by a variety of diseases such as diabetes, asthma, arthritis, colon cancer, and atherosclerosis. Melon juice contains a number of vital antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are essential for the proper functioning of the human body.

Some of the important melon juice health benefits are as follows:

- Regular intake of melon juice lowers the risk of heart diseases and various types of cancer.

- Melon juice is good for achieving healthy weight loss. It contains vital nutrients and is low in calories, thereby making it a great option for weight watchers. It also acts as a good appetite suppressant.

- It has a cooling effect and helps reduce body heat, thereby preventing various related diseases and disorders.

- The lycopene found in melon juice is very effective in reducing inflammation caused in conditions like arthritis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatism.

- Melon juice is beneficial to people suffering from asthma as its nutrients reduce airway spasms that are quite common in asthma sufferers.

- Regular consumption of melon juice reduces the risk of developing colon, prostrate, lung, breast, colorectal, and endometrial cancers.  

- It is very effective in boosting overall immunity and providing energy for performing day-to-day activities.

Melon Juice And Health Problems

As mentioned earlier, melon juice has a wide array of health benefits and helps prevent and treat problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney problems, heat stroke, heart disease, digestive disorders, impotency, and macular degeneration.

Some of the benefits of melon juice for specific diseases are as under:


Diabetes patients often complain of starvation because of their low sugar and low energy diet. Melon juice is therefore a good supplement for such patients. Experts strongly recommend bitter melon juice for patients of diabetes as it helps in lowering blood sugar levels. It contains vital minerals and amino acids like magnesium, potassium, and arginine that help regulate insulin production in the body.  


Although most melons may increase the risk of diarrhea in some people, experts recommend bitter melon juice to treat diarrhea in many cases. In such cases melon juice can be mixed with lemon juice and spring onion juice to cure diarrhea. However, high doses of bitter melon juice can increase diarrhea and therefore it is best to consume it in prescribed quantities.


Melon juice is well known for maintaining good skin health. Regular consumption of melon juice is an excellent remedy to prevent as well as treat acne problems. It contains powerful antioxidants that help detoxify the body and purify the blood, thereby making it a good treatment for various skin disorders. One can easily treat skin blemishes with melon juice, internally as well as externally.
Melon Juice Nutrition

A 100 ml glass of fresh melon juice contains approximately 30 calories, where 89% of the calories come from carbohydrates, 7% from proteins, and 4% from fats.

Some more of the interesting melon juice nutrition facts are as follows:

- Melon juice has a cleansing, diuretic, mineralizing, and alkalinizing effect on the body and is very effective in eliminating harmful toxins from the body.

- It is easily digestible and helps maintain an acid-alkaline balance in our body.

- Melon juice is an extremely rich source of antioxidants like lycopene, lutein, beta-carotene, neurosporene phytoene, and phytofluene.

- These antioxidants not only help protect against a number of diseases and disorders, they also boost stamina 
and metabolism.

- The vital antioxidants also help neutralize the harmful free radicals found in the body.

- Melon juice contains no cholesterol and helps prevent the build up of cholesterol in the arteries and other blood vessels. Furthermore, melon juice increases the good cholesterol in the body and lowers the risk of cardiovascular disorders.

- Melon juice is beneficial in preventing and treating constipation, fluid retention, and itchiness because of acid toxicity in the body.

While studying about the nutritional facts of melon juice, it is also important to shed light on some of the vital nutrients in melon juice. Some of the important vitamins in melon juice are vitamin A, B6, C, D and folate. Similarly, some of the main minerals found in melon juice include:

- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Sodium
- Calcium
- Iron
- Zinc
- Selenium

In addition to these nutrients in melon juice, there are also a few amino acids found in trace amounts such as:

- Tryptophan
- Aspartic acid
- Glutamic acid
- Glycine
- Lysine

Health Benefits of Mango Juice

Mango Juice
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This seasonal fruit has been a regular part of human diet for about four thousand years, thanks to its unique flavour, taste and fragrance. You would also have relished this fruit but do you know the benefits of mango?

Besides its mouth-watering taste, several other health and beauty benefits are associated with mango and its juice. This article elaborates on the nutritional value of mango juice and its advantages for the skin and overall health.

Benefits of Mango Juice:

Below mentioned are the top 10 mango juice benefits.

Prevents Cancer

Mango is loaded with antioxidant compounds including astragalin, methylgallat, isoquercitrin, fisetin, quercetin and gallic acid. All these compounds are considered to be effective for reducing the risks of breast, colon, leukaemia and prostate cancers. A soluble dietary fiber ‘pectin’, present in mangoes, also plays a significant role in this regard. According to latest research, pectin trims down the action of “galectin 9” that is a functioning element in cancerous cells. Furthermore, another constituent of mangoes, “lupeol” suppresses the tumour cells of prostate cancer.

Lowers Cholesterol Levels

Mango juice nourishes your body with sufficient amounts of Vitamin C. The pectin and Vitamin C combine to facilitate the human body in lowering the serum cholesterol levels, especially Low-Density Lipoprotein.

Maintains Blood Pressure

Mango juice contains the vital nutrient, potassium that assists your muscles, heart and nerves’ functions. This advantageous mineral also regulates the balance of fluids in your body and your blood pressure.

Beneficial for Anaemia

Iron is one of the most significant nutrients; its deficiency may lead to several severe health issues including anaemia. You can provide your body a notable amount of iron by consuming one serving of mango juice every day. Mango juice is very advantageous for the to-be-mothers as they require a high content of iron.

For Eye Health

Consuming mangoes or mango juice is the best way to provide your body the crucial nutrient, Vitamin A. It acts as the best defender against eye problems i.e. dry eyes and night blindness in addition to promoting good eyesight.

Clears the Skin

An advantage of mango juice is that it enhances the beauty of your skin by providing essential nutrients in great quantities. Acne, pimples and other skin issues can be treated by using the mango fruit externally. You just need to apply the mango pulp on your skin for about ten minutes. After the recommended time, wash your skin with tepid water.

Alkalizes the Whole Body

Malic acid, tartaric acid and a trace of citric acid are available in fresh mango juice. These acids facilitate to maintain the alkali reserve of the body.

Helps in Diabetes

Diabetes is a severe ailment that cannot be considered trivial. It is characterized by surplus quantity of blood sugar in the body. The most common causes of diabetes include high blood pressure, high cholesterol and insulin resistance. Mango juice (without sugar) controls the sugar levels by normalizing insulin levels, maintaining blood pressure and cutting down the bad cholesterols.

Improves Digestion

Mango juice is well-known to promote the health of the digestive system by settling an upset stomach. If you are suffering from constipation, consume this marvellous juice in combination with grapefruit and pineapple juices.

Boosts the Immune System

Vitamin C, Vitamin A and carotenoids are found in mango juice. These constituents combine together to keep your immune system strong and healthy.


Health Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut Water
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Coconut water is actually the juice in the interior cavity or endosperm of young, tender coconut. Its water is one of the nature’s most refreshing drinks, consumed worldwide for its nutritious and health benefiting properties.

The water is actually obtained by opening a tender, green, healthy, and undamaged coconut. Inside, it's clear liquid is sweet, and sterile and composed of unique chemicals such as sugars, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, enzymes, amino acids, cytokine, and phyto-hormones. In general, young and slightly immature coconuts gathered from the coconut tree after they reach about 5-7 months of age for the purpose of reaping its drink.

Botanically, coconut plant belongs within the Arecaceae family of palm trees, and has the scientific name: Cocos nucifera.

Each nut may contain about 200 to 1000 ml of water depending on cultivar type and size. Any nuts younger than five months of age tend to be bitter in taste and devoid of nutrients. In contrast, mature coconuts contain less water, and their endosperm thickens quickly into white edible meat (kernel). Coconut milk obtained from the meat, therefore, should not be confused with coconut water.

Coconut palm flourishes well under the costal tropical environments. A coconut tree may yield several hundred tender nuts each season. Different species of coconut palms are grown all over the tropics. Naturally, their taste and flavor of water show variations according to saline content in the soil, distance from sea shore, mainland, etc.

Health benefits of Coconut Water:

- Coconut water is a very refreshing drink to beat tropical summer thirst. Its liquid is packed with simple sugars, electrolytes, and minerals to replenish dehydration within the human body.

- Research studies suggest that cytokinins (e.g., kinetin and trans-zeatin) in coconut water found to have significant anti-ageing, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-thrombotic (anti-clot formation) effects.

- Coconut water has been generally offered to patients with diarrhea in many tropic regions to replace the fluid loss from the gastrointestinal tract and to reduce the need for intravenous therapy. The osmolarity of tender coconut water is slightly greater than that of WHO recommended ORS (Oral Rehydration Therapy) solution. Presence of other biological constituents like amino acids, enzymes, minerals, and fatty acids may account for this higher osmolarity. Nonetheless, unlike WHO-ORS, its water is very low in sodium and chlorides, but rich in sugars and amino acids. This well-balanced fluid composition, along with much-needed calories, would be an ideal drink instead of any other kind of soft drink beverages to rectify dehydration conditions.

- Coconut water is composed of many naturally occurring bioactive enzymes such as acid phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, peroxidase, RNA-polymerases etc. In effect, these enzymes help in the digestion and metabolism.

- Despite being very light in consistency, its water has proportionately better composition of minerals like calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, and zinc than some of the fruit juices like oranges. (Compare the mineral composition of oranges).

- Its liquid is also a very good source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pyridoxine, and folates. These vitamins are essential in the sense that the human body requires them from external sources to replenish.

- Coconut water contains very good amount of electrolyte potassium. 100 ml of water has 250 mg of potassium and 105 mg of sodium. Together, these electrolytes help replenish electrolyte deficiency in the body due to diarrhea (loose stools).

- Further, fresh coconut water has a small amount of vitamin-C (Ascorbic acid); It provides about 2.4 mg or 4% of RDA. Vitamin C is a water-soluble ant-oxidant.


Health Benefits of Strawberry Juice

Strawberry Juice

Are you planning on changing your regular juice? Want something refreshing on a hot sunny day other than lemonade? Well, try replacing it with a glass of strawberry juice. It is the next best thing after chocolates. These sweet, juicy strawberries not only look good and delicious, but they are also loaded with anti-oxidants, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, folic acid, calcium, iodine, magnesium, manganese, potassium and healthy omega-3 fats.

While nobody can resist the charm of the rich red colour of the strawberries and thus they are appropriately known as the fruits of seduction and temptation. Rather than eating it alone, one can prepare their own juice as well. Juicing is a delicious way to enjoy strawberries for all their nutrition.

Below is a breakdown of various nutrients found in a cup and benefits of of strawberry juice.

Health Benefits of Strawberry Juice

1. Strawberry juice is full of antioxidants. One of the primary anti-oxidants present in strawberry is ellagic acid which is known to protect the body against cell damaging free radicals. Studies have found that the high levels of vitamin C and fruit pectin in this juice helps to activate proteins in our bodies that increase internal antioxidant production and also helps in removing toxins from cells.

2. The vitamin C, folates and ellagic acid present in the strawberry juice are known for preventing cancer development. Folates regulate gene methylation while Vitamin C and ellagic acid protect the body against cancer promoting free radicals.

3. If you fall ill very often, treat strawberry juice as your best friend. The high vitamin and anti-oxidant content also promotes immunity and helps to protect the body against infections.

4. Adding this delicious juice to your diet would help in promoting tissue strength and enhancing the healing process of the body. Vitamin C boosts collagen production keeps your skin young and healthy, prevents skin tearing and weakening of bones. High manganese content on the other hand supports collagen production and helps the body to heal faster.

5. Strawberry juice being rich in vitamin C is very good for the eyes. Regular intake of vitamin C helps to strengthen the cornea and retina of our eyes which in turn helps in preventing issues like weak eyesight, near sightedness and cataract.

6. During pregnancy, it is essential for the body to remain hydrated especially during the time when women suffer from morning sickness. Strawberry juice has a very high water content which helps the body to remain hydrated without being too heavy on the stomach. It also contains soluble fibre which is good for both the mother and the baby’s heart. The folates, potassium and magnesium content ensure the healthy development of strong bones and teeth.

7. Craving those chocolate covered strawberries but worried about you high blood sugar and high cholesterol level? Well, try replacing it with a glass of strawberry juice. It’s not only as delicious as any other dessert, it also better for your health as it contain less sugar and less carbohydrates and therefore keeps your blood sugar levels stable and healthy. The potassium in it ensures that your cholesterol remains in control and your heart remains healthy.

8. Strawberry juice is a great source of phytonutrients. These nutrients help in preventing inflammatory diseases such as asthma and arthritis. So make sure you consume this juice regularly to keep these problems at bay.

9. The ellagic acid and vitamin C makes strawberry juice the best friend your skin can have. It delays the process of ageing, keeps wrinkles at bay, reduces blemishes and pigmentation and protects them against the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Apply the juice on its own or mix 2-3 tablespoon with rosewater and use it as a toner. You can also add a few drops to your regular sunscreen and apply it.

10. Facing hair fall issues or scalp problems? Just massage your scalp with fresh strawberry juice before hair wash and after regular usage for a couple of weeks you will notice the change. Not only does this ensures that your scalp remains healthy, it also imparts shine to hair.

The only word of caution is that strawberries are goitrogen and can interfere with thyroid function especially in people with hypothyroidism so in case you have thyroid related health problems, skin this one.

- by Aparajita Chattopadhyay of

Health Benefits of Orange Juice

Orange Juice
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Orange juice is made from unfermented fresh oranges and provides many benefits for the body. Fresh orange juice is the richest source of vitamin C and fulfills an entire day’s worth of vitamin C in just one serving. Chock full of useful minerals like potassium and magnesium, orange juice is also very low in fat and contains no cholesterol whatsoever.

Benefits of Orange Juice

Provide Vitamin C

Vitamin C cannot be synthesized by the human body so we must ingest it in our food and drink. Drinking two glasses of orange juice each day can increase the Vitamin C concentration in your body by 40 to 64 percent. The vitamin C we get from orange juice protects our bodies from the harmful effects of free radicals that cause early aging, and aids in the absorption of essential minerals like calcium.

Reduce Inflammation

Eating meals with a lot of fat or glucose can lead to the development of inflammatory reactions. Inflammatory reactions lead to the resistance of insulin, which is a common cause of type II diabetes and atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a very serious condition where the blood vessel walls harden due to fatty deposits. Drinking orange juice when ingesting a high-carbohydrate and high-fat meal will prevent the occurrence of this inflammation, making it a good preventative measure against insulin resistance and atherosclerosis.

Balance Blood Pressure

You can improve your diastolic blood pressure by adding a glass of orange juice into your diet. Studies have found that orange juice contains hesperidin, a very healthy, water-soluble plant pigment. It improves the activity of small blood vessels bringing your overall blood pressure into balance and helping to decrease cardiovascular risks.

Lower Bad Cholesterol

Drinking orange juice regularly is thought to decrease levels of low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is commonly known as the “bad” cholesterol and it collects in your arteries and blood vessels, causing heart problems, cardiovascular issues, and problems with healthy blood and blood oxygen flow. The mechanism in drinking orange juice that is behind the improvement in LDL cholesterol levels is still unknown. More studies and clinical trials will need to be performed in order to hammer this out as concrete fact.

Promote Skin Condition

Drinking orange juice is said to bring a radiant glow to your skin and provide other skin benefits as well. Drinking this juice will help to hydrate skin and keep it firm. Using this juice as a topical treatment does wonders for the skin as well. It cleans out and tightens clogged pores and is believed to prevent wrinkles and fine lines. Orange juice is also a great natural remedy for treating sunburns.

Prevent Neural Tube Defects

Folate deficiency is one of the main causes of low birth weight and neural tube defects, which are congenital problems in the brain and spinal cord. It also one of the most preventable causes of these birth defects. Drinking ⅓ cup of orange juice each day provides 40 mcg of folates to expectant mothers. Folates are important micronutrients that are known to prevent a wide variety of birth defects. The ⅓ cup serving mentioned provides 10% of the recommended daily value of folates.

Produce Collagen

Vitamin C is the key ingredient for healthy production of collagen, which is the structural component of bones, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. When the body is deficient in vitamin C it can lead to scurvy, a disease characterized by bruising, bleeding, tooth loss and immense joint pain. In order to prevent occurrences of scurvy it is recommended for an adult to take in at least 90 mg of vitamin C each day. Those who smoke may need to take in as much as 125 mg per day. Taking in these amounts should be easy as one 6 oz. glass of orange can provide up to 93 mg of vitamin C.

Other Benefits

The Vitamin B6 found in orange juice aids in the production of hemoglobin. Beta carotene from orange juice can help prevent cell damage. Orange juice has quite a bit of calcium in it, too. This helps promote bone health and strengthen teeth. Folic acids in orange juice help boost brain, spinal cord and neural system health. It has also been found that orange juice is highly beneficial to weight loss.


Health Benefits of Pineapple Juice

Pineapple Juice
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Pineapple juice is rich in so many vitamins and minerals, so drinking the juice will help you to reach you daily intake of many of these so quickly. As part of a balanced diet, pineapple juice in moderation is a great way to meet your necessary goals. What are the benefits of pineapple juice for our body?

Benefits of Pineapple Juice


Bromelain, which is a natural antioxidant, is present in pineapple juice and when it is used in conjunction with turmeric it is even more effective. This combination can work even better than NSAIDs and steroids.

Digestive aid

The Bromelian and turmeric combination can help your body break down proteins, which helps your body digest things much better.

Natural antioxidant

Vitamin C is a natural anti-oxidant and pineapple juice is full of Vitamin C, therefore drinking this juice can help boost your body’s immune system.

Energy booster

Vitamin B6, which stabilizes your body’s blood sugar, and thiamine, which is a member of the B group of vitamins, are both contained in pineapple juice, and the thiamine helps to convert carbohydrates into energy, which also boosts your body’s immune system.

Kidney health

Potassium, which helps to promote your body’s kidney function, is also contained in pineapple juice.

Blood sugar regulation

Pineapple juice is helpful in regards to your blood sugar, as it plays a vital role in the conversion of blood sugar to energy.

Menstrual disorder relief

Bromelain is one of the contents in pineapple juice, which is said to help with menstrual cramps. It is said that drinking it will help to relieve you of those annoying and painful cramps.

Sore throat relief

Bromelain is also helpful to relieve sore throats, so if you have a sore throat drinking pineapple juice is a good idea. It can also be used for colds as well as asthma is.

Better skin

Pineapple juice is helpful in the care of skin in various ways. It is a good acne treatment, and also helps to heal wounds quickly, as the enzymes that are in this juice are known for that type of healing. The synthesis of collagen, which is helpful in providing the necessary elasticity of the skin, is helped from drinking pineapple juice. Skin wrinkling is cause by the lack of collagen, as well as rapid ageing. So, drink pineapple juice to stay looking young and beautiful.


- There are some warnings regarding the consumption of pineapple juice. If you are pregnant or may be pregnant, you should limit the quantity of pineapple juice you consume, as it can cause uterine contractions, which can cause a miscarriage.

- Also any juice from a pineapple that is not yet ripened can be quite dangerous as well. Pineapple juice is sweet and delicious, but if consumed in large quantities, you can experience vomiting, diarrhea or even rashes on your skin.


Health Benefits of Cucumber Juice

Cucumber Juice
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Vegetables should help form the foundation of your diet, women need 2.5 cups daily and men need 3 cups, recommends the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Each cup of cucumber juice counts as 1 cup of veggies to help you reach these intake goals. In addition to the general benefits of a diet rich in vegetables including a lower risk of obesity and some types of cancer, according to the USDA, drinking cucumber juice offers specific health benefits due to its nutrient content.

Vitamin K

Drinking cucumber juice helps you reach your recommended daily intake of vitamin K. This vitamin helps you build strong bone tissue and nourishes your kidneys. It also plays an important role in blood clotting, it activates proteins that trigger blood coagulation, so that you can stop bleeding after suffering tissue damage. Consuming cucumber juice helps to fight the effects of vitamin K deficiency, which can include nosebleeds, bruising and bleeding gums.


Cucumber juice also provides a source of copper. Copper helps you make neurotransmitters, the family of chemicals your brain cells need to communicate. It helps you produce healthy red blood cells, strengthens your connective tissue and boosts your immune system. It protects you from free radical damage, cellular damage that develops when you're exposed to environmental toxins or sunlight. The copper in cucumber juice also supports your active lifestyle, since your cells need copper to produce useable energy.


Cucumber juice serves as a vegan-friendly source of calcium, an essential mineral. Hydroxyapatite, the mineral tissue that adds strength to your teeth and bones, contains calcium, and getting enough calcium helps retain your bone density. Your muscles also use calcium to contract, and your nervous system relies on small amounts of calcium to help transmit nerve impulses. Getting enough calcium also helps maintain your body's hormone balance, since calcium in your bloodstream helps control hormone release.

Considerations and Serving Tips

Cucumber juice has one major nutritional disadvantage compared to whole cucumber, it does not contain dietary fiber, the indigestible carbohydrate found in intact cucumber. If you drink cucumber juice as part of your daily vegetable intake, make sure you also eat whole veggies to boost your fiber intake. Whole grains, legumes and nuts also contain fiber. You can also utilize the fiber from cucumber after juicing, simply freeze the leftover pulp collected from your juicer, and use it to add fiber to pureed soups and sauces. In addition to enjoying cucumber juice on its own, you can use the juice as a base for healthy smoothies, try blending the juice with frozen melon balls and fresh mint, or with strawberries and basil, for a refreshing beverage.

- by Louise Tremblay of

Health Benefits of Calamansi Juice

Calamansi Juice
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Most often, we suffer from ailments caused by infection of different microorganism in our body, due to our immune system. Most conscious people consider natural method of treatment rather than chemicals. In boosting the body’s immune system, citrus fruits are very effective having high in Ascorbic Acid or vitamin C content.

Calamansi is a fruit grown all over Southeast Asia and it is very popular in the Philippines as it called a “golden lime”. It is extremely beneficial for the body as it eliminate the toxins that result to a faster weight loss. It is also perfect vitamin rich in citrus fruits enhanced your beauty and bringing glow on your face.

Warm lemon water, a perfect morning drink, as it assists the digestive system and made the process easier in eliminating waste products from the body. Lime Juice is considered beneficial in the treatment of digestive disorders. Aside from that, taking Calamansi Juice first thing in the morning could add a great value in constipation.

It has been said, drinking Calamansi Juice increases the body’s resistance to disease, prevents eye disorder and aids the healing of wounds. It also prevents tooth decay, bleeding of gums and loosening of teeth due to its vitamin C content which helps in maintaining the health of the teeth.

A lot of people enjoy drinking Calamansi Juice while some believes, that is only a refreshing drink. Definitely, it is a refreshing drink. But there were health benefits a Calamansi Juice were offering that we are not aware of.

Here are some benefits of Calamansi Juice:

- Skin Bleaching Agent
- Serves as body cleanser
- Use as body deodorant
- Lightens dark area of the body like armpits and elbows
- Lightens freckles
- Good as Mouthwash
- Cure coughs and expel the phlegm
- Helpful in dealing with a Hangover
- Prevent and Cure Osteoarthritis
- Maintains Kidney Health
- Great tonic for the Liver
- Prevent Diabetes
- Lighten Urine Color
- Lowers blood cholesterol

In preparing Calamansi Juice, you will need:

- 5 pieces big green calamansi fruit
- White Sugar
- A glass of cold or warm water according to your choice

1. Clean the calamansi fruit and cut into two.
2. Squeeze to get the juice and pour into the glass of water.
3. You can separate the seed using a fork when squeezing.
4. Add the sugar to taste then stir and drink.

Nonetheless, drinking Calamansi Juice is definitely a natural and effective, to keep your kidney healthy. At no specific time, ten or more calamansi fruit in a glass of water are needed to consume. Aside from that, it also eliminates urine odor and lighten urine color.

Calamansi Juice has anti-bacterial property which is effective and natural mouthwash as it eliminates morning breath.

In addition, Calamansi Juice is much cheaper than any other health and beauty products over the counter, but it contains similar benefits, yet natural.


Health Benefits of Broccoli Juice

Broccoli Juice
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Broccoli is known as the “king” of the cruciferous family (cabbage, cauliflower, etc.). It has a large stalk branching out to smaller stems with heads of florets, looking like a miniature tree close-up.
Other related vegetables are broccolini (cross between broccoli and kale) and broccoflower (cross between broccoli and cauliflower).

Different variety of broccoli tastes different, ranging from soft to fibrous and crunchy. Even the color ranges from deep sage to dark green to purplish green.

This vegetable is packed with nutrients, phytonutrients and anti-oxidants. It is also highly valued for its abundance of anti-viral, anti-ulcer and anti-cancer activities.

Nutritional Benefits

Broccoli is packed with spectacular and unique disease fighters. It is abundant in a variety of very strong anti-oxidants like quercetin, glutathione, beta carotene, indoles, vitamin C, lutein, glucarate and sulphoraphane. This synergy of anti-oxidants make broccoli a very good food for anti-cancer activities, particularly against cancers of the breast, cervical, prostate, colon and lung.
Low in calories, broccoli is especially rich vitamins A, C, K, B6 and E, calcium, folate, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium.

Health Benefits

The phytonutrients and anti-oxidants in broccoli help boost our defense mechanisms and stimulates production of antibodies to fight cancer.


A cup of broccoli juice a day goes a long way to provide calcium for strong bones building. Far better than cow’s milk that contains saturated fats and has no other healing virtues as broccoli does.

Birth defect, prevent

The rich anti-oxidant compounds protect sperms and prevents them from genetic damage and possible birth defects.

Breast cancer

Broccoli has an anti-estrogenic compound known as glucosinolates that are especially helpful to excrete excess estrogen that are linked to breast cancer.

Digestive system

Like all cruciferous vegetables, broccoli promotes good colon health, protecting against constipation and colon cancer.

Eye disorders

The high anti-oxidant level in broccoli promotes overall good health and is the best defenses against eye diseases. Lutein in broccoli is especially protective for age-related macular degeneration.

Immune system

Just half a cup of broccoli juice a day will provide more than your daily required vitamin C that helps boost immunity and fight many diseases.

Prostate cancer

Indole-3-carbinol in broccoli is a remarkable cancer-fighting compound which not only fight breast cancer, it has also been shown to be helpful in fighting prostate cancer.


The high concentration of sulforaphane in broccoli helps to boost liver and skin’s detoxification abilities, helping the skin to repair damages done from over-exposure to the sun’s UV harm.

Stomach disorders

The high content of sulforaphane in broccoli may help to rid the body of the Helicobacter pylori which is responsible for most peptic ulcers. It also helps other stomach disorders like gastritis, esophagitis and acid indigestion.


Sulforaphane is found in extremely high concentration in broccoli sprouts, that help stimulate the body’s production of detoxification enzymes which may help reduce the size of tumors.

Consumption Tips

When buying broccoli, choose those with deep green color, and stalks and stems that are firm. Store dry in an open plastic bag in the refrigerator up to about four days.

A centrifugal juicer can extract only very little juice out of broccoli but a gear juicer does the job perfectly. You can mix broccoli juice with carrot and green apple juice to make it palatable. Drinking broccoli juice raw is best to obtain the most nutrition out of it.

To eat it, lightly steam or quick stir-fry are recommended to preserve as much of its anti-oxidant compounds as possible.

- by Sara Ding of

Health Benefits of Carrot Juice

Carrots Juice
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Carrots are a root vegetable which is bright orange in color and has a sweet tasting juice. It is possible to make carrot juice by yourself at home if you own a juicer, but you can also find it ready-made at certain places such as juice bars or in some grocery stores. Carrot juice is very healthy and has a great deal of nutritional value.

Carrot Juice Nutritional Facts


A serving of carrot juice (one cup) has around 80 calories. For those who have the typical caloric intake of 2000 calories a day, this means that a cup of carrot juice will count for around 4 percent of your daily caloric intake. Because of this, carrot juice is an excellent alternative option for water as well as other juices. If you were to compare carrot juice to other options, the same amount of orange juice has 113 calories while tomato juice contains 50 calories.

Vitamins and Minerals

Each cup of carrot juice contains a great deal of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to ingest each day.

Vitamin A. When you have a cup of carrot juice, you are consuming 340 percent of your daily recommended dose of vitamin A.

Potassium. In addition to this vitamin, you will also get 18 percent of your recommended dose of potassium in addition to seven percent of your recommended daily value of iron.

Vitamin C. Just 100g carrot juice can contain as much as 3 milligrams of vitamin C, a vitamin that is essential for the immune system.

Vitamin E. You will also get 0.3 milligrams of vitamin E with each 100g, which is necessary for the synthesis of hormones and to maintain healthy cells.

B Vitamins. Carrot juice is also an excellent source of several B vitamins. For 100g fresh carrot juice, it provides 0.01 milligrams of vitamin B1 which is necessary for the nervous system and brain to function properly. It also contains 0.02 milligrams of vitamin B2 which is required to maintain healthy vision and metabolism.


Carrot juice is also an excellent source of healthy amounts of micronutrients.

Fat. Fat is one of the macronutrients that it is easy to consume too much of and therefore it is good that carrot juice only contains 0.7 grams of fat for each serving of one cup of juice.

Protein. MayoClinic suggests that between 10 and 35 percent of the daily caloric intake comes from protein with variations depending on individuals. With a protein content of 1.3 grams per serving, carrot juice provides a nice low amount.

Carbs. Most daily meal plans should include between 225 and 325 grams of carbs and one serving of carrot juice will provide 18 grams of these.

Carrot Juice Benefits

A great deal of the carrot juice benefits come from its high carotenoid content.

Stimulate Appetite and Improve Digestion

When you have carrot juice around 20 minutes before eating a meal, it will serve to help stimulate your body’s secretion of the digestive juices, serving as a great appetizer.

The soluble fiber in carrots can benefit your digestive organs in many ways, thus promoting digestion.

Improve Eyesight

Most people are already aware that carrot juice improves eyesight but do not know how it does so. It is because carrots contain both beta-carotene and lutein, both of which are compounds which can be found concentrated in our retinas. These compounds protect vision, specifically night vision. The liver converts beta-carotene into vitamin A and then this compound goes to the retina and becomes rhodopsin, a substance necessary to healthy night-vision.

Prevent Cancer

Carrot juice contains high levels of carotenoids and these have been associated with a decrease of 20% for postmenopausal breast cancer. Some studies looking at the carrot juice benefits have also shown a 50% decrease in occurrence of the following cancers: larynx, colon, prostate, cervix and bladder. Other studies have shown similar results regarding lung cancer. Researchers believe these effects are due to the levels of xanthophylls, gamma-carotene, lycopene, lutein and alpha-carotene.

Regulate Blood Sugar

Researchers believe that carrots may also be able to help regulate your blood sugar. This is due to their high content of carotenoids, which have been inversely associated with blood sugar levels which are high.

Promote Lung Health

Carrot juice is great at promoting lung health including protecting the respiratory system from risks of infection and helping to counter the bad side effects associated with smoking. This is because carrot juice is very rich in vitamin A can help reduce the risk of emphysema which is one of the biggest risks for smokers.

Benefit Your Skin

When you have a vitamin A deficiency it can cause damage and dryness to your hair, nails and skin. Because of its high vitamin A content, carrot juice is able to help with psoriasis and other dry skin problems.

Enrich Lactation

Nursing mothers should also consider carrot juice benefits as it can help them enrich their milk. It can also help supply calcium during pregnancy. Carrot juice is also an excellent way to ensure an infant who is breastfeeding receives vitamin A.

Improve Liver Functions

One of the most useful methods for detoxing your liver is to have between 2 and 3 pints of carrot juice each day. This quantity may cause your skin to develop an orange hue due to the toxic bile that is being purged from your liver.

Other Benefits

Carrot juice can also help balance your blood acidity, help cleanse acne, fight anemia and help with atherosclerosis, asthma, cholesterol, congestion, constipation, ulcers and water retention.


Carrots that are darker contain more carotene. Most people feel that carrot juice tastes surprisingly sweet and enjoyable and this is due to its high content of natural sugar. Because of this, diabetics should ask their doctors how much carrot juice is recommended in their diet.


Health Benefits of Celery Juice

Celery Juice
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Celery has always been associated with lowering of blood pressure. When combined with other juices, it provides different formula that help other conditions.

Recent studies have shown that celery might also be effective in combating cancer.

Some of the health benefits of celery juice:


The important minerals in this magical juice effectively balance the body’s blood pH, neutralizing acidity.


Celery juice acts as the perfect post-workout tonic as it replaces lost electrolytes and rehydrates the body with its rich minerals.


Celery is known to contain at least eight families of anti-cancer compounds. Among them are the acetylenics that have been shown to stop the growth of tumor cells. Phenolic acids which block the action of prostaglandins that encourage the growth of tumor cells. And coumarins which help prevent free radicals from damaging cells.


This humble pale juice has been shown to effectively and significantly lower total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Colon and stomach cancer

The phytochemical coumarins prevent the formation and development of the colon and stomach cancers.


The natural laxative effect of celery helps to relieve constipation. It also helps relax nerves that have been overworked by man-made laxatives.


During dry and hot weather, drink a glass of celery juice two or three times a day, between meals. It wonderfully helps to normalize body temperature.


The potassium and sodium in celery juice helps to regulate body fluid and stimulate urine production, making it an important help to rid the body of excess fluid.


The polyacetylene in celery is an amazing relief for all inflammation like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, asthma and bronchitis.

Kidney function

Celery promotes healthy and normal kidney function by aiding elimination of toxins from the body. While eliminating toxins, it also prevents formation of kidney stones.

Lower blood pressure

Drinking celery juice every day for a week significantly helps lower blood pressure. A compound called phtalides help relax the muscle around arteries, dilating the vessels and allowing blood to flow normally. To be effective, drink the juice for one week, stop for three weeks, and start over.

Nervous system

The organic alkaline minerals in celery juice has a calming effect on the nervous system, making it a wonderful drink for insomniacs.

Weight loss

Drink celery juice frequently throughout the day. It helps curb your cravings for sweets and rich food.

Urinary stones, breaking of

The diuretic effect of celery juice also aids the breaking and elimination of urinary and gall bladder stones.

You can expect many more healing benefits from celery juice as you consume its natural sodium.

Consumption Tips

Choose green celery where possible for its chlorophyll. Ensure that the ribs are still firm, not limp. To store in the fridge, keep celery in a sealed container or wrap in a plastic bag.
Do not leave it at room temperature for too long as it tends to wilt quickly. If your celery has wilted, sprinkle it with a little water and put it in the refrigerator for a few hours. It will regain its crispness.


Celery is such a succulent plant that it produces its own “pesticide” to protect itself from fungi. This protective layer is called psoralens which although protects the celery, may not go down so well with some people.
If you begin having skin problems after eating celery, it might mean that you have some sensitivity to psoralens.
Some people with low blood pressure had complained that celery makes their blood pressure even lower. I personally didn’t encounter that problem so I believe it is also your overall make-up. But, you might want to avoid celery if you have low blood pressure. Listen to your body when you take celery.

- by Sara Ding of