The Wrong Way to Take Vitamin C


Most of us are aware of the importance of vitamin C; this powerful vitamin provides the body with many important health benefits in order to function optimally. It can help ward off disease, boost the immune system, and more.

You’ve probably heard the stories about how gold miners during the gold rush days suffered from scurvy due to a lack of sufficient variety in their diet, including vitamin C. It was also often the result of long sea voyages in which sailors didn’t bring enough nutrient rich foods with them.

Scurvy can cause hair loss, gum disease, tooth loss, anxiety and ultimately death if not treated. While it is rare these days, the effects of scurvy highlight the importance of this essential vitamin. As vitamin C is anti-inflammatory, it can help battle free radicals that are caused by toxins, stress, radiation and inflammatory response, causing damage to the body’s cells.

The best way to get your vitamin C is to eat a healthy diet that includes a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Keep in mind that cooking or processing can deplete some of the vitamin C that the body can process, which is why many people choose to take a supplement.

This is where the confusion comes in – are you taking this potent antioxidant the wrong way? Here is some advice on how to and how not to take vitamin C:

Taking it all at once can result in diarrhea or stomach cramps. Each of us has a different maximum amount our bodies can tolerate. Some health practitioners recommend we find our maximum daily amount by taking 500 mg every 30 minutes until you have diarrhea.

Your optimal amount would then be around 80 percent of that amount. So, if you took 500 mg every half hour and got diarrhea when you had taken 2000 mg, then your maximum daily amount would be around 1600 mg.

Your maximum daily amount may be considerably higher than this (in fact, some people may need to take 1000 mg or more every half hour to determine their maximum amount).

Taking your dose of vitamin C right before a meal and bedtime is considered optimal.

Taking vitamin C to cure a common cold. It won’t get rid of your cold because it’s not a disease. The common cold is a cell cleansing event that is aided by a resident symbiotic virus. Instead, you should perform a thorough detoxification of metals, which will prevent the discomfort experienced with a cold. Eat lots of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water.

Taking vitamin C with other medications without checking with your doctor first; the vitamin could potentially interfere with prescribed medications. Do not take vitamin C if you have any type of kidney condition.

Taking capsules or tablets. Instead, supercharge your immune system and all of its cells, such as the macrophages residing in lung, liver, adipose and connective tissues, by using a blend of aluminum-free baking soda and vitamin C crystals. Use half as much baking soda as the crystals, and allow the mixture to fizz in about a half cup of water.

Correctly taking your vitamin C can help decrease your chance of developing a wide range of diseases and illnesses, and improve your overall well-being!

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